Our Partners
NCfLB functions as a focal point in the further development of existing work in social, emotional and behavioral difficulties (SEBD) in the following areas: Short, medium and long term consultancy, Research, Teaching and training, Resource development, International work with governments and NGOs.
ISJP is a Romanian Regional School Inspectorate, under the authority of the Ministry of Education. Its main task is to coordinate and to control the schools of all levels in the county of Prahova.
Achievement for All is a leading not-for-profit UK organisation that works in partnership with early years settings, schools and colleges, improving outcomes for all children and young people vulnerable to underachievement regardless of background, challenge or need.
Icaro is a non-profit consortium of social cooperatives created in 1995 with the aim of formulating a concrete answer to the problems of groups at risk of social exclusion. In recent years, the Icaro Consortium has expanded its sphere of interest.
Achievement for All is a leading not-for-profit UK organisation that works in partnership with early years settings, schools and colleges, improving outcomes for all children and young people vulnerable to underachievement regardless of background, challenge or need.
Eurochild is a network of organizations and individuals working in and across Europe to promote the rights and well-being of children and young people.
Terre Des Hommes (TDH) supports community development programs that make schools more accessible and attractive to children from disadvantaged or minority communities such as Roma by providing help with schoolwork and organizing after-school activities.
A EU-wide network passionate about advancing Open Education. They aim to maximise the reach, impact and legacy of innovative educators by promoting cutting-edge training materials.